Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring is here!!!

I have always loved summer the best of all the seasons - there is nothing better then sitting by the pool or by the ocean with a slow summer breeze and a trashy novel. But I have to say that spring is a close second. Lately I have been enjoying the rebirth and newness of spring, the sights of the trees that seem to go from bare empty branches to hatching a few small buds to full green leaves in what seems like a day or two. Or the trees and bushes that burst out in color, pink and white buds or bright purple flowers appearing in celebration of the warmer weather. Every day as I drive to work I am distracted by the sight of these trees and bushes exploding with more color. They will soon dissipate, all the spring flowers will subside as well, so this period is short but it is a lovely and beautiful time. It does open up to summer, which is also a time of color, and fun, but the change from winter to spring can’t be beat.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

check out my new header!!!  can't beat that!! love the beach.  Big thanks to cutest blog on the block for all the freebies to make this look nice. 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

truchas new mexico

SPRING!! ah, yes. some would identify those beautiful flowers that are pushing their way up through the dirt that i see on my walks in the neighborhood, or the smell of the outdoor grills getting fired up as the first sign of spring. some would say that the beautiful young woman in the apartment building next door who was lying out in shorts and a t-shirt, on a blanket, reading her book,enjoying the warm sun, or the masses of people wandering around down town just enjoying the weather as the first day of spring. not me, for me the first sign of spring is hanging out my laundry. i love it! haven't had the laundry out since late fall. sigh, such a small thing but it brings so much pleasure. as i was hanging all my stuff out there it felt so good, so warm, so clean. i am happy to see spring!

Goober at his best!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

so gol darn it, iowa hawkeyes didn't make the ncaa tourney. is it too much to ask to have a good football AND a basketball season. is that too much to expect??

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sometimes I see my life as a series of one lost thing after another. Always looking for something I’ve misplaced, keys, credit cards, glasses, check book, id, cell phone. The other day I remember thinking that, aha! Here is a time that I am not in the process of looking or thinking about something I’ve lost. But it didn’t last long, a day or so after that I couldn’t find my sun glasses.

Here is what I’ve learned about lost things. Sometimes they are lost forever but more often they are lost for a period of time  - sometimes a short time, sometimes longer. I have had things show up years after i gave up looking for them, really. Ok maybe I exaggerate but I swear it was over a year.

Here is another thing I have learned about lost things, sometimes they are hiding, not lost. How many times have I found something in a place that I looked several times without seeing it. Other women will understand this one, how many times have we searched our purses over and over and over and then the 15th, 50th, 100th time it’s there.

There is a system to my lost and find. First it sits in my head for a while, not quite yet lost, just not found. Then I acknowledge it is misplaced or not where it should be, then I begin the search. I check my house (bedroom, living room, home office, usually where ever I remember seeing/using it last). Then a quick search of the car and work cubicle. Then a more detailed search at home, underneath things (couches, beds, papers), a more detailed search of the car, under seats, bagging up all the thrown away paper, coffee cups, other trash to make sure it hasn't been hidden and the same at work. If after all this, which can take up to a week or more, I haven’t found whatever I’ve lost, depending on how important the item is, I try to relax for a while, with the theory that when I stop looking it will turn up. Which by the way, has happened more often then not. At the point I actually acknowledge to myself that it is really truly lost, it will show up. Case in point, lost my debit card, waited and looked for weeks. Was at the bank drive up, actually asked the teller to give me another application for a new card because by god it must be really truly lost when in the corner of my eye I caught sight of something, right color, could it be, yes, in my car under some paper or other debris I had not thrown out yet, my debit card. And of course I can't tell you how many times I had checked the car already.  One timeI couldn't find another ID, waited for weeks just looking and "keeping an eye out" for it, looked all over the house. I had been out of town for business and called both the hotel where I stayed and the car rental company with no luck. Finally after a few weeks I went to the office manager to get a new ID, paid my $5 for the new ID, and later that same afternoon she came to me saying the original one had arrived in the mail.

And one of my most repeated statements is “I just had it" or"I just saw it" or "it was just here.”

And the sunglasses I mentioned at the beginning of this? Found them, on the shelf behind. Earlier that day I had acknowledged to myself after several days, ok, maybe they are really lost and sent around an email at work asking if anyone had seen them.

things i love

  • American Idol
  • that so far i have more on my "love" list then my "hate" list :)
  • good books at the end of the day
  • cats
  • dogs
  • gentle men
  • the beach
  • days off

things i hate

  • people who leave their shopping carts in the parking lot (instead of walking a few feet an returning them to the "cart corral") and then they take up parking spaces, grrrrrr
  • people who take ice cubes from a tray and return the tray to the freezer without filling it, oh man....
  • people who are not handicapped but use the handicapped button to open the door - how lazy can you be?

my brother and me, a long time ago....

About Me

Returned to the East after several years in the mid-west (Iowa, Go Hawkeyes!) and settled in Connecticut. I'm a woman of many interests including travel, entertainment, movies, reading and T'ai-Chi. I'm a good conversationalist - I can talk about almost anything, and am a cat lover.